If you have been in the market or looking to buy Parquet Flooring in York, North Yorkshire or further, regardless of location you'd notice that the price of these wonderful floors can be eye watering. Then theres the sub floor preparation, the installing of the parquet and then the sanding and finishing.... it can easily amount to £100 - £150 a square meter when the costs are added up.
In times gone by this is why you would only see it in the more fancy houses, because unfortunately a decent budget would be needed to have such ornate floors.
Cut to 2020, we have the internet, we can get tips of the trade from bloggers or instagram if we are fortunate to have some spare time on our hands and save money by braving the install our selves so theres one way to bring the cost down!
But a considerable chunk of the money is still going on purchasing the parquet blocks so how do we solve that problem? easy:

Whether you are looking to buy parquet in our home city of York in North Yorkshire, or even further a field, you should absolutely contact us. We import some top quality oak parquet flooring that we are able to sell at unbeatable prices.
so how can we sell parquet flooring so cheap?
We cut out the middle men, to put it simply. We lease directly with timber mills in Europe, get a few pallets sent over a week, and sell it quick! These means our overheads are significantly reduced in comparison to your typical flooring seller. We don't need the huge warehouse to store the stock. We buy a sustainable amount each week and sell it fast. We don't need to spend a fortune on marketing because the price is so good, it markets itself.
So you would be crazy not to at least enquire with us to see if we can meet your parquet flooring needs! Chances are we can, and we can offer you amazing prices.